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Toxic/Chemical Exposure

In many work environments, exposure to toxic or otherwise harmful chemicals and materials can damage workers' lungs or their skin (on contact.) Often, this kind of injury occurs slowly, and unperceptively, over months or years. But it can occur in a shorter period of time or in a single incident too.

Asbestos, benzene liquid or vapor, and finely ground silica (quartz dust) are among the most common toxins/chemicals to cause injury to workers, but there are many other possible sources of such injuries as well.

At Orange County Workers Compensation Attorney, we are familiar with the common causes of this class of injuries and with the kinds of medical conditions they can cause. We know how to navigate the California workers compensation system and secure you your claim and how to ensure all relevant expenses and losses are included in the claim amount.


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Mon-Sat: 9:00am-5:00pm

Sunday: Closed


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